februari 09, 2011


SORRY SORRY SORRY! Sorry for not posting for like almost a month, I guess?!
Of course I have a lot to tell you! First of all I had a great today! No school work, some family coming over and my mom baked like so much yummy goodies! Brownies, chocolate cupcakes, fruit pie... it was like some kind of party going on :p and I got my Cosmopolitan today so yep, a perfect wednesday :).

Besides that, Justin Bieber's movie Never Say Never 3D premiered yesterday! Well, in L.A it did....
I, on the other hand, have to wait for another month to see it :( sad... but I'm soooo excited to see it! March is going to be epiiiiic! Never Say Never 3D comes out on the 9th and Justin is coming to Belgium on the 30th and of course I'm going! Front row, baby ;). Can't wait!!!

Justin on his premiere with his manager, Scooter Braun

I also received the nail foils + nail tool kit I won with a giveaway! They look smashing (haven't put them on yet!). Check it out:

Thanks to Natascha and to Blixz!

Can't wait to try it out but I want it to be perfect so I'm gonna wait till the perfect moment 'cause I don't really have oceans of time at the moment...
But but but wanna know where I do make time for? The Vampire Diaries! Oooooh, I'm so into that for the moment, almost finished season 1 and can't wait to start season 2! I try to watch an episode every day 'cause it's just one of the best series ever. Exciting story (and if you think you've had it with vampires by now, think again), mysteries, murders, good music, and hot guys. I mean, c'mon:

What does a teenage girl need more?! ;)

Nu even een oproep voor de Belgische bloggers. Samen met 3 andere meisjes van mijn school heb ik deze blog opgericht --> http://overbekeplein.blogspot.com. Hierop is een enquête en een poll te vinden over een plein in Kortrijk, ook al kennen jullie het plein misschien niet, dit is zeker niet erg en ik zou jullie dan ook willen vragen om alsjeblieeeeft de enquête en/of de poll in te vullen! Je zou ons hier erg mee helpen :) alvast bedankt!

Anywaaaaay, to end with, I wanna show you a beautiful ad I spotted in my brand new Cosmopolitan. It's from DKNY and I fell in love with it! Really, it's just a 'simple' picture but it's such a strong one!
The shoes, clothes, colors, everything's just perfect.
(ps. and doesn't Blake Lively just look stunning on the cover?! Gotta love her.)

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