januari 25, 2011

Galaxy nails

Hello dear followers!
Since I'm sick and have to stay at home for the rest of the week (luckily I don't have glandular fever but just caught a bad flu), my life is kinda boring for the moment. My days consist of sleeping, reading, watching TV and ...well, that's actually it. 

Today I decided to try out the 'galaxy nails' I saw with Marjolein from http://la-mode-rétro.blogspot.com. She even did a video tutorial about them and I couldn't wait to try it out myself! And since I have plenty of time, now was a good moment! I have to admit that Marjoleins galaxy nails are much prettier than mine but I think mine look sort of nice as well :). Here's the result:

This is what I used for them, I know it looks like a lot of work but it's actually kinda easy! I used these colors (sorry for the dark picture!) but you can choose what you like of course. You just need a lot of glitter nail polish!

Let me know what you think and in case you've tried it out yourself, don't hesitate to let me know how it looks and show me some pictures! I love the whole idea of galaxy nails and I think they look different on everyone.
And if you've spotted some other cool nail ideas or something, please tell me! 'Cause I just looove to experiment with my nail polish :)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Ze zijn best goed gelukt!
    Ik heb 't zelf ook al zo'n 3x geprobeerd, maar ik vind ze gewoon nooit goed... Misschien morgen nog maar eens proberen? :D

  2. Zeker doen!
    Ik denk dat ik ook nog veel zal mogen proberen, want ik vind het nu niet bepaald zo goed gelukt :p haha, nu ja, het was wel de 1e keer dat ik het deed!
