maart 21, 2011

Watch Me.

Hey guys!
I have two 'designers' to present you! And as the title of this post reveals, they both create original and outstanding things. They're both genius and I can't get enough of their work. I think artist is a better word for what they are. Once you're familiar with them & their work, you're gonna want more and more! No exaggeration, they're serious!

Curious? :) You better be!

1) Kobi Levi
This Israeli designer creates shoes based on everyday things, think of birds, bananas, chairs, slides, markets, dogs... literally everything you can imagine!
His work is sooo innovatory, I immediately admired Levi.
Some of the designs are kinda 'gaga' and not really wearable (according to me) al though he says every single pair is meant to be worn. Let's see and decide for yourself ;) or how everyday things can result into extraordinary stuff...

Mallard Duck


Olive Oyl


Chewing gum (--> my favorite!)

AMAZING, ha? :) Can't get enough of it? Visit Kobi's blog! click here

2) Paige Thompson

Second 'designer' I wanna introduce to you, is called Paige Thompson. She's 21 years old and caused a trend in the States by turning her lips into a real piece of art. One day, she was just so bored that she decided to paint her lips and make animals of them...
Sounds pretty weird, but it has a verrrrry cool result! Check it out!


4 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik ben echt gek op disinger shoenen maar deze vind ik niet zo. De lipart vind ik wel heel leuk!

    En nog super bedankt vor je leuke reactie!

  2. Dankjewel voor je reactie! jaa je moet echt gaan!
    wat gaaf zeg, die van die lippen had ik ook op een site gezien.


  3. Die lippen zijn zooo leuk! ;)

    xoxo Khadija

  4. Crazy but Cute!
    Mooie blog kom zeker ook is kijken bij mij!
    Love Lisa x
